Niagara PX Graphics
Every installation is judged by how easy it is to operate and maintain by the people who use it every day. The judges? Building maintenance staff that may not have your expertise.
The best system depends on the people who run it. For a project to succeed, you need to go beyond mechanical components and controls. You need to provide a tool that is easy to understand, easy to use, and effective. BASGraphics has solved this problem over and over, providing high-end graphical user Interfaces for installations all over the World. User interfaces that work for both people and systems.
A Customizable Look of the History of Your Data
EnergyDVR by BASSG is the ideal way to view the history of your system’s data in a customizable, 3D graphical format.
Why do you need EnergyDVR?
No building owner or facility manager has the time to continuously monitor the performance of a BAS for anomalies or abnormalities. But catching and correcting issues is the only way to ensure systems perform at optimal levels.
EnergyDVR (or Energy Data Visualization Recorder) is an energy management solution that lets you rewind, pause, play and fast forward through the history of your systems to view performance, much in the same way you control playback of a movie on your home TV or DVD player. You no longer have to comb through trendlogs to find the source of an anomaly and the conditions associated with it. You can simply rewind EnergyDVR to the point in time that the issue occurred down to the second, and get a complete view of the environment and conditions at that time.
Make BAS Graphics your company’s design center.
Use our industry experts to bring your ideas, sketches, photos, or existing graphics to life. Our custom design service gives your firm additional capabilities with no overhead. We work quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively to make you look good.
We are specialists in building automation systems. When you use our design services, you deliver comprehensive, detailed plans that work in the field and win contracts.
Hire us for following services
Hire us for following services
Enhance your presentation package with beautiful sketches, 3D wire frames, photo-realistic renderings, vector graphics, or animated mock-ups